🔸マッカラン 1824シリーズ シエナ🔸

今までの12年、18年などの年数表記をやめ、原酒の色によって 分けられた新シリーズ1824シリーズ❗️




本日も18時~3時まで営業しております。なんばにお越しの際は、是非お立ち寄り下さいませm(_ _)m

🔸 McCarran 1824 Series Siena 🔸

The new series “1824 series” has been discontinued by the years of use such as 12 and 18 years, and is divided by the color of the original sake.

It has a fragrance like vanilla, orange and chocolate, and tastes like raisins, nutmeg, orange, apple and vanilla.

Please enjoy the various scents that rush one after another.

It is open from 18:00 to 3:00 today. Please drop in when you come to Nanba🙇‍♀️

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