


2021年もbar sipを宜しくお願い致します🥃✨

SMWS 2.93

The title is Sweet Day Dream.

This year was also the last day of today.

Many people had a hard time with the new coronavirus this year.

Our shop also had some difficulties, but I think it was a year that we were able to overcome with the support of many customers.
I’m really thankful to you.

I will continue to do my best in 2021 so that everyone can enjoy it without forgetting to thank them.
We look forward to your continued support of bar sip in the new year.

bar #barsip #whiskybar #suntory #whiskylover #whisky #scotch #japan #osaka #dotonbori #singlemalt #smws #whiskyglam #whiskylife #cocktail #バー #大阪 #なんば #難波 #宗右衛門町 #道頓堀 #心斎橋 #ウイスキー #ウイスキー愛好家 #スコッチ #カクテル #ミナミ #量り売り #大阪バー #ソサエティ